We had a great Christmas this year! It was really exciting because Kate and May were so excited this year for really the first time and it was Madilyn's first Christmas. We stayed here in Utah with Mike's family and we had a great time. Christmas Eve we had a big dinner and then we did the nativity.

Katelyn was an angel, Mayli was a dove, and Madilyn was a lamb. They were so cute! Mayli really made sure she played her part well. She would randomly stand up and start flapping her "wings". It was so cute.
It was so cute. We had a wonderful time! Here is a picture of everyone from The Wrights who were in the nativity. And then one of the whole nativity.
We got to sleep in until 7:45am when Katelyn woke up and was trying to sneek downstairs. Luckily I caught her. :)
Madilyn was so excited and loved the toys that had lights. She wasn't too interested in opening the presents but did enjoy them once they were opened.
It was a perfect Christmas. We woke up and there was a light snow outside. It was beautiful! In the afternoon it stopped and it was time to play out in the snow! Mayli loved to be thrown in the snow and Uncle Matt loved to throw her in the snow. They had a great time!
The girls got to make a snowman with Uncle Matt and Aunt Amy! They had a such a great time! There was so much fun snow. 

We had a wonderful Christmas this year! We are so grateful for our Father in Heaven and His son Jesus Christ. We are thankful for the bounteous blessings we are given. This year Mike's parents stake had the opportunity to help provide Christmas to families, some of who didn't even have beds to sleep in and were living in an old elementary school that had been turned into apartments. They were so grateful for the small amount of gifts they were given. One mother whose husband had left her and her 6 children was so grateful to have Christmas for her children. Her 2 girls sleep on a twin bed together, she sleeps on the small loveseat they have, and the 4 boys sleep on the floor. May we all be grateful for all our blessings...our warm houses, our beds, food on our table, family, and great friends. Our Father in Heaven gives us so much and He gave us the greatest gift His son. Merry Christmas everyone!