I have the most amazing husband in the whole wide world and decided I needed to dedicate a special post just to him! Mike is so wonderful to me. Yesterday was one of those days we barely saw each other. Mike left for work at 6:30am before I woke up and then we got to see each other for 2 seconds while he signed some important papers we had to get off in the mail before I had to rush home to pick up Kate from school. Then we missed each other as I headed off to a Relief Society training up in SLC while he was driving home to take care of the kids. We didn't even get a chance to talk because I as in the Tabernacle and I didn't get home until 10:30pm. When I got home my house was clean (way cleaner than I had left it running out the door that afternoon). Mike had fed the kids, taken them to the $1 Store so Katelyn could spend her $2 that was burning a hole in her pocket (from the tooth fairy), and put them to bed. He then cleaned the kitchen, family room, and living room. I sometimes have to leave a lot in the evenings for stuff for Relief Society or just to get some me-time so I don't go insane, and Mike is always so willing to let me go and take care of the kids. He is so wonderful to me and I was so blessed to have found him and for him to love me.

Here he is my handsome hubby! He is so kind to everyone. Very rarely does he speak an unkind word. He is dedicated to his calling and has an amazing testimony of the gospel. Thank you Kelly and Sherie for raising such a faithful, wonderful son. He makes me so very happy!

He loves his girls and is the most wonderful father and provider for our family.

He loves, honors, and cherishes me. He is an amazing man!

He can always make me laugh and I'm so glad that we are best friends and can talk about anything. I love when we get to take time for us and talk and laugh the whole time.

I'm so glad I get to be with him forever! I love you Mike!