My whole life seems to be a bit behind lately. And though I really should be cleaning...I don't feel good so I'll blog about Katelyn's birthday instead. Kate turned 6 on July 3, 2010. She is growing up so fast and is such a beautiful little girl. She has such an amazing spirit and she is so sweet. She rarely ever gets into trouble and is always trying to help out and take care of everyone. She likes to ride her bike, draw/color, read books, play with her sisters, and play video games. She starts 1st grade this year and I can't believe she is getting so old. Here are some pictures throughout the years.


Baby Kate born July 3, 2004. She was sweet from day one!

Katelyn age 1

Katelyn age 2 (anyone else think she looks a little like Maddie in this picture?)

Katelyn age 3

Katelyn age 4

Katelyn age 5

Katelyn age 6...after a fun day of swimming with cousins we had a party. She was so excited for all her presents.

Lava lamp from Papa and Grandma Clayton

Kate with her slip 'n slide from Papa and Grandma Wright.
Afterwards we had cupcakes. The next week we took the girls to build-a-bear so they could get something for their bears and then went to Chuckie Cheese to celebrate Kate's birthday. But I forgot to bring the camera. Kate had fun and we are so grateful to have her in our family! Happy Birthday Katelyn! We love you!