Where have I been...that's a good question! Life seems to have remained consistently busy for these past few months. I keep thinking one day it will slow down a bit and I can catch up. But boy that hasn't happened yet. Since I last posted lots has been going on...Thanksgiving, gingerbread houses, Mayli turned 6, Mike's mom started Chemo treatments, I got called as the Young Women's President in my ward, family came to visit from all over the world, 2 wonderful people were able to receive their endowment, a wedding, girls night, cake making, Christmas shopping and wrapping, Christmas parties, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, more family visits, New Years, my sister moved in with us, and so much more! So hopefully I can update what has been happening to catch up a bit.
Lately I've had the words from the song, 'I Like Life'...over and over in my head just randomly the words, "I like life and life likes me" pop into my head. Life is a bit crazy right now but 'I like life'and I'm trying to enjoy every moment I can. Here is the start of the updates.

I had the opportunity to make a cake for a charity and I'm so used to making wedding cakes or cakes for girls that I didn't have a lot of ideas for a cake for the men's division. After help from a few people this is the cake I came up with. It was a hit and the guy that won it loved it!

We spent Thanksgiving with Mike's family. It was a lovely day and how grateful we are for all our family. We were able to still have our tradition of making gingerbread houses. Sherie's sister Leslie made gingerbread houses for everyone. What a blessing it was to be able to have them all ready and made for us.

The girls ready to start

Madi loved decorating this year...she really loved trying out all the candy too!

Mayli and Uncle Ethan having fun.

Kate finishing up decorating

Gingerbread decorating so much fun!

Mike and Kate decorating

This was Madilyn's...she did a great job this year and did most of it by herself. I was impressed with all the patterns she did.

This one is my house.

Daddy decorated Juliet's for her

Mayli's house. She made the 'tree' all by herself.

Mike's house

Katelyn's house. She frosted and decorated all by herself this year!
The next weekend we had a bridal shower for Amy. Afterwards I had the fun opportunity to be able to go help Amy get ready for the bridals and groomals at the temple. I was so grateful for the wonderful opportunity to be able to be invited and help out with this day. A special thank you to my dear Michael for letting me go while he took care of the kids.
Amanda looked gorgeous! It was freezing outside but we had a great time!

Beautiful Amanda

Ethan was mesmerized by her beauty and was quite speechless when she walked out.

Seriously gorgeous!

It was so fun to able to share this special day with them. Thank you for letting me be there!