Friday, September 11, 2009

Shopping Time

Madilyn loves to go through the cupboards and take things out and put things in them. The other day she decided she needed to go shopping and she took almost everything out of the cupboard and put it in her shopping cart. It was so cute! She is always making us laugh and has something to do on her mind! Here is a short video.


The Patty Cake House said...

Ok that is super cute

BECKS 'R US said...

Brings back memories of when Ashley was that little and would do the same thing. I can't believe how fast kids grow up.

Krista Neil said...

How fun is that, my girls do the same thing, there's a small cupboard I finally decided to keep empty, they would take everything out of it over and over again to play hide and go seek in! Silly girls :)

Heidi Gail Richhart said...

Way cute! reminds me when dakota did something similar when he was younger. And i think kayla does it or used to do it. Her thing is to play with the spoons and utinsels.

Rykowski family said...

That is so funny my girls do the exact same thing or else put them in bags and then I find wamart bags filled with stuff all over the house. Gotta love those little imaginations!