We had a wonderful Christmas this year! Christmas Eve we headed up to Kaysville for the Porter family annual Christmas Eve get together. This year they decided to have it earlier in the day so we could all head home earlier. We started at 11 and ate brunch. After we were all done eating all the kids acted out the story of Christ's birth. It was so great! (I forgot my camera but luckily I had my phone so I could take one picture.)

Christmas Morning was so fun! It was our first year just being our family! For the past 7 years we have always been at one of our parents house for Christmas morning. The girls got up about 8 and they were so excited.
Madilyn eating a treat from her stocking after opening some Santa gifts. Madi got Dora and Boots beanie babies and a Dora bath toy. They got lots of little goodies too from Santa.
Mayli with one of her gifts from Santa. Mayli was so excited...each one of them got an umbrella which is what Mayli kept asking Santa for. She opened some magnetic dress up dolls and said, "Santa brought me just what I wanted." She also got the squinkie cupcake toy.
Katelyn so excited getting ready to open her Santa gifts. Kate got a baby crib and a baby from Santa. Santa also brought a movie and some games for the whole family.
Time to open all the other gifts under the tree...
Daddy helping opening and passing out gifts.
Katelyn with her gift from her pixie, Mommy. It is a Sleeping Beauty dress-up.
Mayli opening a gift.
Madi after she opened a gift...she got lots of Dora stuff she was so happy!
Time to open all the other gifts under the tree...