Mayli Elizabeth entered our family on December 5, 2005. She was 6 lbs 8 oz and 19 inches long. She was a beautiful baby and my labor with her was so easy. I went in for a check up and they did an ultrasound and found I had lost quite a bit of fluid. I had to head straight to the hospital from the doctors office. Katelyn was with me and the nurse in labor and delivery kept asking if someone was going to come pick up my little 17 month old. I assured her my husbands mother was on her way and would be here soon. 4 1/2 hours after starting pitocin Mayli made her debut. The doctor came and checked me at 3:45pm and said that I'd probably deliver about 10pm that night. But 20 minutes later I called the nurse in because I was sure I was ready...she said there was no way I'd make that much progress in that short amount of time. I instisted she check so she did and I was ready to deliver. At 4:21pm Mayli was born. Here are some pictures of the last 5 years:

A few minutes after she was born

Mayli 2009 (age 4)

Look at all that blonde hair!

This is the most decent picture I could find of me holding her when she was a baby. 

Daddy with his 2nd baby girl
Mayli in her blessing dress

Mayli 2006 (age 1)
Mayli 2007 (age 2)

Our Mayli is an amazing little girl. She has so much to offer this world and we are so grateful that Heavenly Father sent her to our family. She is so silly and makes us laugh all the time. She is so smart and loves to learn. She is always asking me questions wondering how everything works. She loves to do homework with me and Katelyn and understands it a lot of the time. She loves to sing, dance, read, play with toys, color, and play outside. Mayli is so sweet. She always is trying to help someone in need and if she sees that anyone is sad she will do all she can to make that person feel better. She is so willing to share with her sisters. Mayli is a great helper and many times I find her cleaning something or downstairs trying to help me with the laundry. She has lots of energy and tends to get everyone a little crazy sometimes but she is a peacemaker in our family too. She loves the gospel, loves to bear her testimony in family home evening, and loves to pray and always says such great prayers. She will do so much in her life and we love her so much! Happy Birthday Mayli! Love you!
What a beautiful post!!! you truly inspire me.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mayli!!!! You are so grown up! I held you as a tiny baby!
Thanks dede, for the cute blog about her. I agree, she has always been such a sweetheart!
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