Juliet Celeste Wright was born January 28, 2011. She was born at 5:21pm and was 6lbs 13oz and 19.5 inches long. She was pink and perfect! Her apgar score was a 10. She has been as sweet as ever since she was born.
***Birthing Story***
The hospital called us earlier than expected on the morning of the 28th. They called at 8:20am and wanted us to the hospital by 9:00am. I told them I could be there by 9:15. Mike's mom was on her way but we weren't expecting to go in until 10am so she wasn't to our house quite yet. So I called my friend Rachel and she was over within minutes ready to help get the Kate off to school and take care of the other girls until Mike's mom came. We got to the hospital right on time and started the induction process. By 10:15 they had started the pitocin and called my doctor to let him know I was ready to have my water broken. I was only dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced. My doctor wasn't able to come over until his lunch hour so at 1:15 he came and I was only at 2cm and 80% effaced. By this point I was sure I was going to be there all day. He broke my water and then I decided I'd get the epidural. The anesthesiologist was so mean and he kept yelling at me while he was trying to give the epidural. My nurse was super nice and made me feel better. I about cried because he was so mean. He finally got it done and I was so ready for him to leave. The contractions started coming harder and faster but by 2:30 I was only at 3cm. Again I was sure I'd be there all day and all night. At 4:30 I pushed my epidural button for the 1st time because I was starting to feel a bit more pressure. The nurse checked and I was only at 4cm. It was taking forever. At 4:50 I was feeling a ton of back pressure and told the nurse I thought I might be ready to deliver. She checked me and I was at a 6 and going very fast and she told me that I was ready to deliver. They called the doctor and he showed up about 5:15 or so. After only 2 pushes Juliet was born at 5:21pm. All in all it went very smoothly and great. My doctor was awesome and really made the whole process quite calm and relaxing.
Juliet means youthful. We fell in love with the name the night we found out we were having a girl and it has been our favorite since then. So we were so excited to name her Juliet. All of our children's middle names are named after a family name. Juliet's middle name, Celeste, is after my sister who has been there for me always. So that is how we named her.
Ah memories ;-)
Beautiful!!!! And I am flattered...love you lots...have fun with mom there.
what a fast delivery!!! Juliet is a cute name! She looks like a sweet baby!
Cute name, I can't believe you were at church Sun, you are a go getter. I think she's sooooo cute, let me know if you need anything :)...serious!
Those girls of yours are so cute!! And look at you all stylish even during delivery with your cute earings. :)
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