My little sister Mackenzie got married on June 3, 2011. It was so fun because the guy she married lived just down the street from us. Kenzie came to stay with Mike and I last September. She was just going to stay a couple months but then she met Jon and ended up staying with us for 9 months. We loved having her here with us. Wedding preparation was crazy busy but it was so fun to have the whole family together again.

The night before the wedding we decided to have a girls night out. We missed Carli and Sarah but enjoyed having Bailey and Dawn with us. We had a great time and laughed all night.

It was quite a lovely day as we went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple to watch Jon and Mackenzie get sealed for time and all eternity. It was slightly overcast which made picture taking much more enjoyable.
The ceremony was lovely and we all waited for them to come out. Here are some fun pictures.

I love this one it truly captures my father's sweet, kind heart.
Hug time! :)

Here are my girls (except Juliet...she was a little cranky at the time)...they all looked super cute

Olya Clark from Endless Memories Photography took the pictures for the wedding. She did amazing! She is one of my friends here and she always does such a wonderful job.

Kenz looked beautiful

I made the bouquet and it turned out quite lovely.

I love my family and it was so fun to all be together. The best part of the whole day was to be able to be in the temple sealing room with Mike, Dad, Mom, Lindsay & Jared, Celeste & Matt, Carli & Ryan, Caleb & Sarah, Samuel, and then Mackenzie & Jon. I can't wait for the day McKenna gets married and we can all be together in the temple. What a wonderful day!

I love my brothers they are so fun!

My sisters are the best! I love them! We always have so much fun together!!!

I'm so grateful to have such a wonderful family! We always have a blast together! Always laughing and smiling! What joy! :)

Dad and Mom! They are so amazing!

The grandkids

I love this picture of them in the field! So beautiful!

My family again this time at the reception.

Mayli and Kenzie giving Jonny a kiss!

Here is the cake I made. It ended up looking quite lovely too.

It was a wonderful day and so much fun! It was so fun to be there through Jon and Kenzie's courtship. We loved seeing them everyday. They care so much for one another and I'm so excited to see what their future holds.
that was such a wonderful day!
Oh Dede. This is quite a lovely blog spot you have! :)
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