Katelyn had her 1st day of school today. And I have to wonder...where did the summer go? She was so excited. Last night she could barely fall asleep because she was so excited to go to school. It is her first time being at school all day long. She is super excited to eat lunch at school. She took her own lunch today and helped me pack it this morning. She picked out what outfit she wanted to wear and wanted her hair just to be straight.
We are all going to miss having her home all day. Mayli isn't quite sure what to do with out her best friend here to play with. Katelyn got a blessing from daddy and if a mom ever needs piece of mind that will give it to her. She was promised many things I was so worried about...now I don't need to worry...because she's been blessed and all will be well. She'll understand the work, learn quickly, make friends, choose the right, and will enjoy her time at school. Her teacher is Mrs. Hollingshead (pronounced Hollings-head). I was nervous about her teacher but when we met her I knew who she was and was so happy. She is a super nice lady and I know Katelyn will love her. She lives right behind us and we'll see her at church all the time because their ward is right after ours. :) Here are pictures of her 1st day!
Mike, Dede, Katelyn, Mayli, Madilyn, Juliet, and Jacen enjoying every moment of the life our Father in Heaven has given us.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Caleb and Sarah Clayton's Wedding
Well wedding number 3 for the summer and wedding number 4 for the year is finished and it was lovely! I gained three super cute sister-in-laws this year! What could be more exciting!? My little brother Caleb...who in my mind should still only be 14 years-old...dont' worry he really is 22...was married to Sarah Blackwell on August 14, 2010 in the Mount Timpanogos Temple. Here are some pictures of the fesitivities!
The Thursday before the wedding me, my mom, and all 5 of my sisters got to go and have a girls night out! It was so fun to be all together! We have so much fun and laugh so hard. Here we are at Applebees. Lindsay, Celeste, Mom, Dede, Kenna, Carli, and Kenz.
Me and Madilyn the morning of the wedding. They got married at 8am so we had to get there super early.
Mike and Madilyn
Kate, May, and Maddie
It was a beautiful morning. Here is the temple.
Caleb and Sarah after they came out of the temple
First kiss outside as husband and wife
All the nieces and nephew giving Uncle KK a big hug!
All the nieces and nephew giving Aunt Sarah a big hug!
Sarah's bouquet. I made it and it turned out quite beautiful.
All the grandkids...getting a picture of all of them was difficult

Wedding Cake for the Utah Reception
Wedding cake again...not my best work but tasted good :)
Caleb and Sarah cutting the cake
About ready to feed each other...they were already laughing cuz they wanted to shove it in each others faces.
Thank you Candy Bar. Super yummy and super cute!
Centerpieces on the tables
One of the tables at the reception
Sign in table
Picture of them outside the door
The heart they stood under to welcome people at the reception
The reception
My little brother Sam is on his mission right now so he couldn't be at the wedding. My parents made a life size cut out of Sam so he could be at the wedding. We sure missed him but are so glad he is serving the Lord. We made a sign to put by him at this reception.
Here is a full view of what it looked like. It was great I'm so glad they made it.
The gift table
Wedding cake for this reception...Caleb's favorite...chocolate carmel cake.

The wedding was wonderful. The instruction from the sealer was amazing and so perfect! It was a beautiful sealing and Caleb and Sarah could barely keep their eyes off each other. Which in my opinion is the best ever! Their smiles were so big when they were pronounced husband and wife for time and all eternity! It was lovely!
Wedding Cake for the Utah Reception
From my previous post I talked about going up to Montana for the wedding reception. It took 2 days to decorate and cook. And it turned out quite lovely.
Friday, August 20, 2010
My wonderful husband and his parents gave me the opportunity to head up to Montana to help my parents out with my little brothers wedding reception. Sunday morning I said goodbye to my sweet babies and amazing husband to head up with my parents to their house. Mike took the girls to his parents house and stayed for a while and then headed back home so he could go to work for the week. I was gone Sunday to Thursday and Mike and the girls picked me up from the airport at 5pm yesterday. It was a pretty good day yesterday. The girls seemed normal and excited to see me. Well today.......must be my punishment from Madilyn!
From the moment she woke up this morning everywhere she went she destroyed something. First it was the brownie she had for morning snack...which she decided to smoosh all over the carpet. Then she got into my backpack and took the box of cheez-its from my trip out and dumped the whole box all over the carpet. Next she decided it would be really fun to get a drink of water out of my glass cup. Which she dropped on the floor...which of course shattered the cup and spilled ice and water all over with glass in it...not so much fun to clean up...you can't use a broom! Apperantly that wasn't enough water so one of her sisters got her a glass of water which she took into the family room and thought it would be fun to spill all the water all over the carpet. She also thought it would be fun to bring all the suitcases out and empty all the clothes all over the family room floor.
Well it was finally lunch time and I made peanut butter and jelly. I left them out just in case anyone wanted another sandwhich. I was not feeling well today...love this morning sickness...so I went to lay down on the couch for a moment. I heard Madilyn enjoying herself in the kitchen and thought she was just a happy little camper while eating. A few moments later she walks over to me completely covered in jelly and peanut butter. She had poured out the rest of the jelly (which was about 1/2 full) all over herself and the counter and stuck her fingers in the peanut butter and smeared everything all over herself, the counter, the stools and the floor. This incident required a bath and right after I put her to bed. Thinking all would be well from here on out because she was sleeping....

She had a good 2 1/2 hour nap...but when she came out of her room...she was covered in baby powder and so was her bed and 1/2 of her bedroom. After changing her clothes for the 3rd time today we headed out the door to go drop some things off for Daddy and spend sometime with him before he headed off for game night with his friends. Good thing or my house maybe wouldn't be standing right now! We of course had to stop at the grocery store on the way home and while we were there...and Madilyn was running all over the place, climbing in and out of things, and climbing on top of the bag holder all the while Mayli joining in and acting nice and crazy herself, while Katelyn kept asking me for a treat...the young cashier looked at me and said, "Looks like these girls keep you busy." Oh yes they do keep me busy but I wouldn't have it any other way! Even on days when maybe they might be punishing me just a little bit for being gone for so long. Motherhood is an adventure with the greatest treasure of all! And how I love my treasures!

Sunday, August 08, 2010
It's a Girl!!!!
We wanted to find out early what the baby was...so we decided to head over to the mall and we found out that we are having baby girl #4! We couldn't be happier! People keep asking if we are disappointed that we are having a girl again to them I say WE COULDN'T BE HAPPIER!
How could we be disappointed about a child God has given us? We are just grateful the baby is healthy and that Heavenly Father has entrusted us to be the parents of 4 of His beautiful daughters.
We are so excited that we get to have another lovely girl in our family. The baby is growing well...she has both arms, both legs, her heart is beating (as soon as we heard the hearbeat I knew it was a girl...it was so fast!), her brain is developing well, and well she is quite perfect! I couldn't be happier and now I get to buy lots of cute bows, flowers, headbands, and cute girl stuff! I'm even going to buy a cute girl crib set...I should have just bought one in the beginning! :) We still have quite a few months before the baby is born since I'm only 14 weeks but we are starting to think of names and trying to get our basement finished before the baby is born...I just need to start feeling better so I can work hard on it! :)

How could we be disappointed about a child God has given us? We are just grateful the baby is healthy and that Heavenly Father has entrusted us to be the parents of 4 of His beautiful daughters.
We are so excited that we get to have another lovely girl in our family. The baby is growing well...she has both arms, both legs, her heart is beating (as soon as we heard the hearbeat I knew it was a girl...it was so fast!), her brain is developing well, and well she is quite perfect! I couldn't be happier and now I get to buy lots of cute bows, flowers, headbands, and cute girl stuff! I'm even going to buy a cute girl crib set...I should have just bought one in the beginning! :) We still have quite a few months before the baby is born since I'm only 14 weeks but we are starting to think of names and trying to get our basement finished before the baby is born...I just need to start feeling better so I can work hard on it! :)

There are 3 lines there...they are hard to see but they are there. It's a girl!

She was being a bit stubborn and wouldn't turn over and she was being very shy and kept crossing her legs. She wouldn't give us a profile picture. But she looks darn cute! We are super excited! :)
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